If you have questions, we have answers!
If you do not find an answer to your question below, please contact us and
we will be happy to help you in any way we can.
How do I know if my drywall contains asbestos?
If your home was built or renovated before 1990 there is a chance the drywall may contain asbestos. Until 1990, the tape and joint compound, or mud, used to seal the seams and fill gaps between drywall boards may have contained asbestos. Since the mud is feathered to cover large areas with a smooth finish, the entire drywall sheet should be treated as containing asbestos.
What is a BCG number? How do I register for it?
For asbestos-containing materials over 1,000kg you need to register a BCG number. A BCG number is a BC Hazardous Waste Generator number that needs to be registered with the Ministry of Environment.
We have provided downloaded BCG registration documents on our disposal services' pages. If you would like to fill out the application yourself, download the attached file, follow the instructions provided, and when completed send the document to trucking@pelsurrey.com. However, this process can be a little complicated and overwhelming so if you contact us, we can help you process the application for a fee.
How should the materials be packaged?
Industry regulations require that asbestos waste be double bagged in 6-mil polyethylene asbestos labelled bags. In order to ensure that the materials are packaged safely for our employees, we require that bags weigh no more than 15kg per bag. If individual bags weigh more than 15kg there will be a surcharge. When sealing the bags we ask that you seal it with tape as seen in the picture on our disposal services' pages.
How should the bags be tied/sealed?
In order to properly seal the bags twist the top of the bag 3 to 4 times (to get all of the air out) and then using duct tape, wrap the top of the bag 3 to 4 times. Repeat the process for the double bag procedure. An example of how the bag should look can be found on our disposal services page.
Where can I get asbestos labelled bags?
Asbestos labelled bags can be difficult for homeowners to find. Unfortunately these bags cannot be purchased at your local hardware stores. A few local supply and safety equipment companies, such as Acklands Grainger and Hazmasters, do sell asbestos bags. However, they may not sell direct to consumer or they sell them in a very large quantity. With that being said, we can provide homeowners will 6-mil asbestos labelled bags as part of a bag handling fee.
Are 7-mil demo bags from Home Depot acceptable?
No, they are not. Industry regulations require that asbestos waste is double bagged in 6-mil asbestos labelled bags. No other bags will be accepted.
What if I can't take time off work during your hours of operation to dispose of my asbestos waste?
Contact us ahead of time and we will be happy to arrange a time for you that will fit with your schedule.
What is asbestos?
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral typically chrysotile, that is heat resistant, has good tensile strength and is resistant to chemical erosion. Due to this, it is commonly used in fire-retardant and insulating materials and was a popular building material from the 1950’s to 1990’s.
What is the danger with asbestos?
WorkSafeBC describes asbestos as the hidden killer because without the proper analysis, it’s difficult to determine its presence. Asbestos fibers are very fine and can remain airborne for hours. Exposure is the real issue. If not handled correctly, workers are in danger of inhaling asbestos-contaminated air. If someone is exposed to asbestos, serious chronic health problems can occur. These diseases will not affect you immediately, as they often take a long time to develop. Long periods of exposure to asbestos can cause the following diseases:
Asbestos-related lung cancer
Pleural thickening
Where would I find asbestos in my home?
These are some of the common places that asbestos can be found in a home:
Spray applied fireproofing insulation
Mechanical insulation
Floor tiles
Drywall mudding compound
Asbestos cement board and tiles
Asbestos cement pipes
Textured decorative coating
Can I be in the house while asbestos is being removed?
Yes, you certainly can. All air will be filtered through specialized machines and vented to the outside. However, if the dwelling is small with no entrance through the back, we may be blocking off access to the utilities and it may be more comfortable for you to leave for the day.
What is the danger with mould?
The issue with mould is that it affects everyone differently. Two people with the same level of exposure may have different reactions. Exposure to mould can lead to the following health issues: eye, nose and throat irritation; coughing and phlegm build up; flu-like symptoms; wheezing and shortness of breath; respiratory problems; allergies; worsening asthma symptoms for people who already have it.
What causes mould?
In order for mould to grow it needs to have a proper living condition which consists of three factors: (1) an organic food source, (2) moisture and (3) humidity.
How do I prevent further mould growth?
In order to prevent further mould growth you need to remove one of the three necessary elements required to sustain proper living conditions.
How do I know if I have vermiculite in my attic?
A quick way to tell is if it look like cat litter you should have it tested. In some cases, vermiculite may be hidden underneath other forms of insulation such as, fiberglass or cellulose.